Prof. Dr. Gazi Zorer

Uluslararası Kongreler, Bildiri ve Posterler

1. The effect of developmental dysplasia of the hip on femoral anteversion.
Mehmet B.Balioğlu, Koray Savran, Gazi Zorer .
10th Congress of European Aassociation of Clinical Anatomy. September 2-5, 2009, Istanbul, Turkey

2. Greater trochanteric transfer: Does it work in all patients with coxa vara deformity.
Ahmet Doğan, Onat Üzümcügil, Merter Yalçınkaya, Gazi Zorer.
28.Meeting of the European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society (EPOS). April 1-4, 2009, pS65, Lisbon, Portugal.

3. A new approach to surgical treatment of clubfoot: Indirect talonavicular joint reduction.
Ahmet Doğan, Merter Yalçınkaya, Gazi Zorer.
27.Meeting of the European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society (EPOS). April 9-12 2008, p S70, Warsah, Poland.

4. Treatment of Idiopathic Vertical Talus
Zorer, G.
8th Efort Congress , Florence-Italy
11-15 May 2007
Congress Book, page 6.22

5. A Comparison of two different techniques in flexible pes planovalgus: Dennysson Fulford Extra-articular Arthrodesis and calcaneal lengthening.Ahmet Doğan, Yunus Emre Akman, Gazi Zorer.
26th Meeting of the European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society (EPOS). April 11-14, 2007, p S24, Sorrento, Italy

6. Evaluation of femoral neck anteversion and femoral neck-shaft angles patients.
Mehmet Albayrak, A. Erdem Bagatur, Gazi Zorer.
25th Meeting of the European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society (EPOS)
April 5-8, 2006, Dresden, Germany, Congress Book, page 170.

7. Flat-top talus after complete subtalar release for idiopathic congenital clubfoot and ankle range of motion.
Albayrak M., Doğan A., Mumcuoğlu E., Zorer G.
4th International Clubfoot Congress International Federation of Pediatric Orthopaedic Societies, 5-6 September 2005, p 47, Istanbul, Turkey.

8. Avascular necrosis of the talus after complete subtalar release for idiopathic congenital clubfoot.
Bagatur A.E., Albayrak M., Doğan A., Zorer G.
24th Meeting of the European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society (EPOS)
6th - 9th April 2005, Palma de Mallorca
Congress Book, page 116

9. Flat-top talus after complete subtalar release for idiopathic congenital clubfoot and ankle range of motion.
Albayrak M., Doğan A., Mumcuoğlu E., Zorer G.
24th Meeting of the European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society (EPOS)
6th - 9th April 2005, Palma de Mallorca
Congress Book, Paper No 10, page 168

10. Forearm lengthening and deformity correction in children with congenital or acquired anomalies.
Mumcuoğlu E., Albayrak M., Zorer G.
24th Meeting of the European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society (EPOS)
6th - 9th April 2005, Palma de Mallorca
Congress Book, Paper No 80, page 246

11. Single-stage bilateral Pemberton's pericapsular osteotomy in bilateral developmental dysplasia of the hip.
Mumcuoglu İ. E., Bagatur A. E., Özer U. E., Zorer G.
23rd Meeting of the European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society (EPOS)
31st March-3rd April 2004, Geneva, Switzerland,
Congress Book, Paper No 65, page 103.

12. Distal and Lateral Advancement of the Greater Trochanter for the Treatment of the Gluteus Medius Lurch and a Positive Trendelenburg´s Sign.
Bagatur, A. E., Zorer, G.
22nd Meeting of the European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society (EPOS)
2nd-5th April 2003, London, England, Congress Book, Poster No 18, 169.

13. Is Sufficient Femoral Head Coverage Obtained After Pemberton's Pericapsular Osteotomy? Evaluation By Three-Dimensional Computed Tomographic Reconstruction.
Albayrak, M., Bagatur, A. E., Zorer, G.
22nd Meeting of the European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society (EPOS)
2nd-5th April 2003, London, England, Congress Book, Paper No 34, 95.

14. The Effect of Abductor Hallucis Muscle Stripping on Residual Metatarsus Adductus in Clubfoot.
Doğan, A., Bagatur, A.E., Zorer G.
XXII.World Congress August 23-30, 2002 San Diego, California, USA

15. Pathological Dislocation of the Hip: Sequelae and Reconstruction.
Bagatur, A E., Zorer, G.
21st Meeting of the European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society (EPOS)
April 17-20, 2002, Istanbul, Turkey, Congress Book, page 76-77.

16. Radiographic evaluation of the forefoot after Dennyson-Fulford subtalar arthrodesis.
Doğan A,Bagatur, A. E., Zorer, G.
21st Meeting of the European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society (EPOS)
April 17-20, 2002, Istanbul, Turkey, Congress Book, page 66-67.

17. Complications of Surgically Treated Hip Fractures in Children.
Bagatur, A. E; Uğur F; Dogan A., Zorer, G.
20th Meeting of the European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society (EPOS)
April 5-7, 2001, Montpellier, France, Congress Book, page 158-159.

18. The effect of deep deltoid ligament release on the dorsiflexion capacity of the ankle in congenital clubfoot treated with complete subtalar release.
Doğan A; Bagatur, A. E; Zorer, G.
20th Meeting of the European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society (EPOS)
April 5-7, 2001, Montpellier, France, Congress Book, page 188-189.

19. Treatment of Congenital Vertical Talus By Complete Subtalar Release and Peritalar Reduction By Using The Cincinnati Incision.
G.Zorer, A.Doğan, M.Balioğlu.
19.EPOS Meeting, Milano-İtalya. 5 - 8 Nisan 2000

20. The Effect of Salter and Pemberton Operations on the Femoral Anteversion.
G.Zorer, M.Balioğlu, K.Savran, B.Sürel.
17.EPOS Meeting, Madrid-İspanya, Nisan 1998.

21. A Comparison of Salter Innominate and Pemberton Pericapsular Osteotomies, Improvement of the Acetabular Deformities in the Treatment of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip.
G.Zorer, B.Sürel, K.Savran, M.Karlı.
16.EPOS Meeting Mannheim - Almanya, Mart 1997.

22. Correction of Severe Relapsed or Neglected Clubfeet Deformities by Using Ilizarov Method.
G.Zorer, K.Savran, B.Sürel, M.Karlı.
Second International Congress on Clubfeet Amsterdam-Hollanda. Ağustos 1996.

23. Congenital Vertical Talus: 5 Feet Operated on by Peritalar Reduction by Using Cincinnat Incision.
G.Zorer, K.Savran, M.Karlı.
EPOS 15th Meeting Prag-Çek Cumhuriyeti, Nisan 1996.

24. Acetabular and Femoral Neck Torsion in Children with Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip.
G.Zorer, B.Sürel, M.Balioğlu, K.Savran.
EPOS 15th Meeting Prag-Çek Cumhuriyeti. Nisan 1996.

25. Complex Foot Deformity Correction Using the Ilizarov Circular External Fixator.
G.Zorer, K.Savran, B.Sürel, M.Karlı.
Orthopaedic Summer School, Helsinki, Finlandiya. Ağustos 1995.

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